Influencer Interviews: Joseph Lucido

Joseph Lucido is a San Francisco-based lifestyle blogger and model. With an Instagram following amounting of nearly 252 thousand, he certainly has experience collaborating with brands and sifting through the mountain of pitches he receives on a daily basis. For Joseph, what stands out in a pitch? And what is the one surefire thing to avoid? Take a look below.

Name: Joseph Lucido

City: Currently based in San Francisco, CA

IG Handle: Joseph.Lucido
What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to brands or publicists reaching out? There are a few, however, my top ones are them DM’ing me to ask for my email when it is literally linked on my profile. The other is when they don’t actually look at my content and understand what my vibe is. 

What is the most useful piece of information for them to include? Most important information for me is the brand, background on them, and what they are trying to achieve with a collaboration. I think it is also really useful to understand what kind of deliverables they want and a specific vibe. 

What do people often forget to mention or ask for? This might be weird, but I think that brands often forget to mention the direction in which they want to go with a campaign. I think oftentimes they don’t give a clear direction as to the kind of content they want and expect the influencer or creative to read their minds in a way.

What do you look for in a successful brand partnership?For me, I love working with brands that have a lot of synergies with who I am and what I post. I want it to feel as natural as possible for me to be working with them, and I want to be passionate about their mission and what they’re doing. 

What’s your preferred method of communication? I honestly love email. It’s great for keeping me organized and I feel like it keeps me accountable. Always trying to get to that zero inbox!

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