All You Need is Love From the Media

Happy Valentine’s Day, entrepreneurs! Today on the blog, we’re discussing how to attain and maintain valuable press coverage for your business. We’ve curated a list of helpful tips and tricks pulled directly from some of our PressReady tool kits and pitch kits to help you secure media coverage for your business!

1. Build a stellar media list

Building a stellar media list comes before anything else when it comes to earning media coverage. Media lists consist of all the necessary information you need to contact the correct journalists, bloggers, influencers, etc. to reach out to for media coverage for your brand. Furthermore, you should separately arrange the perfect pitch template for your brand to send to journalists. For the do’s and dont’s of pitching to journalists and constructing a proper media list, utilize our Operation Exposure kit!

2. Launch an effective influencer campaign

Have you considered how your business can benefit by bringing onboard influencers to advertise your products? Influencer onboarding is commonplace nowadays for businesses looking for untraditional “press” coverage. The trick is to be conscientious of which influencers you decide to bring onboard, the length of the agreement, the payment (whether that be monetary, free products, or both). If you’re unsure of what steps to take to take the leap in the influencer sphere, download our Influencer Onboarding tool kit for tips and tricks on how to get started. 

3. Create a strong media kit

Do you really need a media kit? Yes. Before a journalist asks for any quotes or anecdotes about your business, they will request a media kit. Your media kit is a one-stop shop for everything a journalist needs to get the sense of what your business represents and why they would be a good fit to cover it in their publication. It would be quite embarrassing for a journalist to receive your media kit and your business having no correlation to their previous press coverage. So, tying in with pointer #1 above, be mindful of who you send your media kit to once you’ve perfected your pitch. For more guidance on building a media kit, check out our Create Your Media Kit tool kit!

4. Get your story out

Followers, investors, and customers want to hear a good origin story of your business. Seeing your business’s name in headlines is the end goal of developing a strong brand narrative, making a killer media kit, bringing onboard influencers to promote your brand, and building a fleshed-out media list. For more information on how doing your DIY public relations can help you, check out our FREE downloadable Getting Noticed!

For more resources to help you get your DIY PR in full swing for your business, check out our other blogs postspitch kits, and tool kits! Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and Twitter @PressReady for more #pradvice!

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