How to be Productive this Summer

Now that it’s April, most colleges and universities are in the home stretch of the academic year. If you haven’t made plans yet for this coming summer, here are a few ideas to help you get your ducks in a row before break begins.

One smart move to make this summer is enrolling in classes at a college or university near you. Most schools will let you transfer general education classes to your current institution, so take advantage of this opportunity and knock out a challenging course you’ve been putting off. You will have more time to dedicate to this class than you would during the fall or spring semester. And to top it off, it puts you a step closer to graduating.

If you do not plan on taking classes, consider getting a summer job. Last summer, I decided at the last minute not to take classes and wound up getting a job instead. I worked almost every day for 6-12 hours each shift. It was a rewarding experience where I made friends and money. Although it was a spur-of-the-moment decision for me to work over the summer, I’m glad I did it and would recommend it to anyone who isn’t taking classes in the summer.

If you’d rather spend your summer getting a head start in your career, then I would suggest finding an internship. Internships can be paid or unpaid, and sometimes may count for school credit. This is a great alternative if you want to gain more experience and contacts in your field of study. Furthermore, an internship will give you insight on what your future full-time job may look like.

One last productive way to spend your summer would be to go on a study abroad. Many colleges and universities have programs in the summer where you can travel to other countries at a discounted rate and even take classes while you’re away. However, study abroad trips typically have to be planned far in advance. If you can’t make it happen this summer, keep an eye out for future study abroad programs that might interest you for next year.

Hopefully, this gives you ideas for how to approach the upcoming summer. Good luck with your decision and make the most out of your break!

Originally published on

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