Profile: Sydney Dumler

Name: Sydney Dumler

Major: Music business

Year: Sophomore

Hometown: Denver, Colorado

How does a college student balance school, an internship, a job as a yoga instructor and pursuing a music career? Belmont sophomore Sydney Dumler, also known by her stage name Lady Layne, does this on a daily basis. Check out my interview with her to learn more about her music career and how she manages everything going on in her fun, jam-packed life.

Why did you choose Belmont?

I chose Belmont mostly to be around music. I write blues and soul, so I thought it would be cool to go to Music City. I was the only person from my high school who went to school far away, and I wanted to be around people who understood and appreciated music.

You mentioned that you write music. How would you describe your sound?

My sound is soulful and bluesy, but my songwriting style can be kind of country sometimes in the storytelling aspect.

How did you choose the stage name Lady Layne?

My middle name is Layne and my parents almost named me Layne. I thought I’d play around with alliteration when choosing my name, and Lady Layne sounded good.

Will you be releasing your music anytime soon?

Yeah, I’d say so. I am writing a lot. My friend Sam and I have been writing for a year or so, trying to record some demos and get into the studio. I still kind of go back and forth if I want to pursue music or not. I’m not the type of person to really put myself out there. But I’m still working on writing, so hopefully we will get the new music out by next year. I love it, and if I can get over being an introvert, I can be good. With all the writing we’re doing we have to do something with it.

What else are you involved with?

I intern at New West Records, I’m involved in my sorority and I teach yoga at CorePower Yoga. I also love fashion, so when I can I try to help my friends out with blogs.

How do you balance everything with school?

A very strict, color-coded planner. Seven colors, all broken up. Everything is factored in — food time, driving time because I live off campus, classes, etc. I try to balance everything. Unfortunately, it has made my social life suffer, but I take time to let my friends know I love them too.

What’s your advice to women who just started college?

Don’t worry about things you can’t control. Don’t worry about the little things. Don’t get caught up in a test grade, something someone said, and just accept what you can and can’t control. Learn how to prioritize, because I think sometimes we get wrapped up in things that aren’t important and we are too hard on ourselves.

Originally published on

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